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From a Draft to the Marketplace, your book’s time to shine has come!

Publishing a book is the first step of magic creation—all the rest is primary. If you are in search of a platform to publish, market, and get your book recognized on various digital and print platforms, then Kinetic Digital Publishers is the place for you. Contact us and smoothly transition through every phase—from being a hidden talent to becoming a renowned author, Kinetic DIgital Publishers is all set to be at your back.

Kinetic Digital Publishers Premium Book Services

Kinetic Digital Publishers provides top quality, custom-tailored solutions for all your Book Writing, Editing, Publishing and Marketing needs.

Book Writing

We are not all gifted writers cut out to write novels and books. Some of us are short on time, some lack the motivation to translate thoughts into writing while others don't even know where to begin. This is where our ghostwriting skillset comes into play. Our genre and niche-specific writers are seasoned champions who have a habit of producing meticulously written books.

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Book Editing

Whether you are an internationally acclaimed author or a newbie, you need a fresh pair of eyes to go through your manuscript. At Kinetic Digital Publishers, our team of editors ensure your manuscript is completley error-free, grammatically correct and of a publishable quality. We house genre and niche-specific experts who critically assess your work, identify areas of improvement and provide constructive feedback.

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Book Publishing

A well-published book is critical to your success as an author. Even though you worked hard on the manuscript, your book may not get the attention it deserves without proper publishing. Kinetic Digital Publishers will help you provide the best possible reading experience for your book’s target audience.

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Book Marketing

We help you take your book from the back shelves to the bestselling title by marketing it the right way. From SEO to Social Media Marketing, from Website design and development to paid marketing, our digitally Ny marketers make sure that your book never leaves the sight of its target audience. At Book Marketing Pros, we develop a secret recipe to get your book recognised as we empower you through our ROI-focused marketing techniques and drive traction to your book.

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What is KDP?

Kinetic Digital Publishers —A passionate team dedicated to helping authors of all levels bring their stories to life.

No idea is ever too lame to be presented in front of the world. Do you dream of seeing your name on a book cover? Kinetic Digital Publishers is the platform that can make your dream a reality. Kinetic DIgital Publishers goes beyond simply getting your book printed. The comprehensive set of services we offer is a prime example of giving confidence and support to authors of all levels, throughout their publishing journey. From expert book editing to creative cover designing to strategic marketing and media outreach, Kinetic Digital Publishers will equip you with all the techniques, tools, and skillsets you need to succeed. Experience the core fun of book publishing and marketing at a minimum cost now.

Our Impressive Portfolio

Our track record speaks volumes. We are committed to offering each client unparalleled value and personalized service.

KDP —Where Authors Thrive!

Get Ready to work with a highly-trained team of experts—a team that will bring your words to life, and take it to the top of the world, too!

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